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How to lose weight in Ramadan

Many people hope to use Ramadan as a chance to reset their lifestyles, detox their bodies and adopt healthy habits that they can continue throughout the rest of the year. But, it’s important to remember that whilst fasting for up to 15 hours a day sounds like an easy way to get in shape, fast weight loss is generally not recommended by nutritionists.

However, as long as you are following a healthy balanced diet throughout the special period, continue to exercise and provide your body with the fuel it needs, you can absolutely shed some unwanted fat and finish the month feeling like a new and improved person. In order to lose weight safely during Ramadan, it’s best to consult the advice of a qualified personal trainer to make sure you are eating and working out in a way that’s right for your body. Below, we go into more detail about how you can lose weight and get fitter, stronger and healthier during Ramadan.

Is there any effective plan to lose weight during Ramadan?

As with any month of the year, it would be very difficult to totally transform your body in roughly four weeks. However, if you put the effort in and follow a proper fitness and diet plan, you can lose weight during Ramadan.

Hiring a personal trainer or weight loss coach is one easy way of making sure you stay on track during the special period. They will tell you how many calories you should be eating, including the exact amount of protein, carbs, and fat that should be in your meals at iftar and suhur. A personal trainer will also ensure that your workouts are safe and effective, and that you don’t overload or exhaust your body whilst fasting. Finally, they will keep you accountable and motivate you to turn up for your workouts when you might be tempted to take the whole of Ramadan off from the gym.

The Embody Fitness team features some of Dubai’s most skilled and successful fitness professionals and nutritionists. Their personalised weight loss programmes are specifically tailored for your body, your likes and dislikes and your weekly routine, whether you are fasting or not.

Designed to get you the results you want, Embody’s highly skilled coaches will help you lose weight in Ramadan and gain the positive mindset that you need to transform your body, and gain the physique that you’ve always dreamed of.

During Ramadan, it’s arguably more important than ever that you provide your body with the sustenance it needs to recover, and that you drink enough water, get plenty of sleep, avoid salty and sweet foods and move your body regularly. Embody’s plans ensure that you get the balance right.

As always, weight loss plans only work when you stay committed, focused and invest lots of hard work. For this reason, all of Embody’s programmes are at least eight week’s long. So, don’t be disheartened if you get to the end of Ramadan and you feel like you haven’t made the progress you hoped for. The best results come over time and Embody will help you make healthy changes that you’ll stick with throughout your lifetime.

Do unhealthy snacks affect fat burn?

Some people might assume that fat loss is an inevitable part of fasting, but eating unhealthy snacks and sugary drinks can actually lead you to gain weight during Ramadan.

If you can, avoid oily and fried appetisers, plus the sugary desserts and sweets that are traditionally brought out after iftar. Choosing treats that contain natural sugars such as fresh fruits, dates and honey will make all the difference and lead to a pleasant surprise when you stand on the scales at the end of the month.

Drinks can also hinder your progress. You might think that a glass of juice or soda is harmless, but even fresh juice can contain the equivalent of five teaspoons of sugar, and soda has up to six.

The best thing to do is drink as much water as possible. After all, staying hydrated is the key to weight loss during Ramadan.

Not only will drinking two litres (or eight glasses) of water a day stop you from becoming dangerously dehydrated, but it will also help control your appetite and detoxify the body. Sodas, juices and caffeinated drinks such as coffee or black tea do not count, but herbal teas make a great alternative to water if you’re craving something different.

How many calories do I burn while I am fasting (for 15 hours)?

Every person is different. Depending on the make-up of your body and how active your lifestyle is, everyone will burn a different number of calories whilst fasting. A weight loss coach or nutritionist can help you work out how many calories you’re using per day, and how many you need to consume in order to lose weight safely.

As a general rule, your metabolism slows down in Ramadan, your energy needs decrease and you actually need to eat less. Remember that iftar isn’t supposed to make up for those hours you spent without food.

Embody can provide you with heaps of iftar and suhur meal suggestions, or connect with you one of our recommended healthy meal plan providers who will create balanced options that are specifically measured to suit your body and your goals.

trainer with trainee doing hip thrustsa graphical element

Should I train differently during ramadan?

Training during Ramadan should not differ too much from your training sessions during normal eating schedules. It is worth being aware of your hydration levels as dehydration can lead to an increased risk of injury.

Take longer rest periods between sets if needed and try to select training timings close to your eating window (morning or evenings preferred).

Embody Fitness has extensive experience working with clients during Ramdan and delivering fantastic results. Seeking help from a professional during this time will help you stay on track and deliver the best results!

What is the best thing to eat for suhur during Ramadan?

Just like breakfast, suhur should never be skipped. Eating a balanced meal before sunrise prevents you from becoming overly hungry during the following day, overeating at iftar and hindering your Ramadan weight loss efforts.

Here are a few tips for creating a healthy and balanced suhur:

  • Include plenty of protein
    Increasing your protein intake at suhur is proven to aid weight loss. Incorporate eggs, beef or chicken into your early morning meal or, if you’re vegetarian, consider taking protein supplements. Eating plenty of protein will ensure your glucose levels remain stable throughout the day and you don’t get too hungry.
  • Avoid salt
    As with iftar, avoid salty foods to limit your thirst during fasting hours, too.
  • Limit carbs
    You shouldn’t avoid carbs completely, but it is advisable to stick to healthier options such as wholemeal bread instead of white, and eat plenty of green and satisfying vegetables like broccoli, asparagus and kale.

Embody’s expert nutritionists invest great time and effort in teaching all their clients about the logic and science behind a healthy diet, and why most meals should contain protein, healthy vegetables and a limited amount of complex carbs.

Your Training During Ramadan

Training during Ramadan should not differ too much from your training sessions during normal eating schedules. It is worth being aware of your hydration levels as dehydration can lead to an increase risk of injury.

Take longer rest periods between sets if needed and try to select training timings close to your eating window (morning or evenings preferred).

Embody Fitness has extensive experience working with clients during Ramdan and delivering fantastic results. Seeking help from a professional during this time will help you stay on track and deliver the best results.

For more information about Embody’s weight-loss programmes, please visit



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